Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Some Pages From The Book

Above are some pages from the limited edition Public House book. The book is beautifully handbound, and measures 10x13 inches. All of the original prints in the book are in the exhibition at the Hibbert Room in Lewes (details below), and they vary in size from 6x8 inches to 20x9 inches.

More About The Book

Here's an extract from the introduction to the Public House book:

This book features images of Lewes’s pubs, each one originally a handmade print by one of the Paddock Printmakers. The group meet at the Paddock Studios in Lewes, with tutor Carolyn Trant, to work and experiment with wood and lino cuts, wood engravings, collagraphs, monoprints, acetate engravings, and many variations and combinations of those techniques. The prints were produced during 2007.

This book is published in a limited run of fifty-four.

Public House is the third book produced by the group, celebrating local distinctiveness. The first two, produced in 2004 and 2005, showed prints of shops in the High Street, and Cliffe High Street. Already many of these premises have changed hands or use, so these books are documents about how things looked in a particular year.

Pubs change more slowly but we have included details of some now gone to show how the town has evolved, a subject of ever-increasing interest as the volume of building development continues to grow.

The text for this book draws on previous local history works. We are indebted to Bill Young and Bob Cairns’ Lewes Then and Now, Colin Brent’s Guide to the Town of Lewes, conversations with local historian John Bleach, and particularly Leslie Davey’s study The Inns of Lewes - past and present, revised in 2003 by Andrew Whitnall. You are encouraged to seek out this fascinating guide, republished by the Friends of Lewes and available from local outlets.

Text by Paddock Printmakers.
Hand-bound by Rachel Ward-Sale at Bookbinders of Lewes.
Layout design and print coordination by Peter Flanagan.

To purchase individual original prints and for other enquiries, email

Under Way

Friday went by in a blur, hanging the exhibition during the day, then the private view in the evening. Our neighbour exhibitors, next door in the Westgate Chapel, are welcoming and friendly, and joined us in an extended game of Hunt The Fusebox when an attempt to change one lightbulb resulted in most of the lights in the building going out! Later in the day, the picture hanging team also managed to get themselves locked in, holding a key which only works from outside . . .

The PV was a great success - lots of people came, many compliments were paid, and sales of the individual prints and the Public House book got off to a steady start. The Printmakers' public clearly are a discerning bunch!

Above are a few quick snaps taken just before opening.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Twenty One Pubs - Twenty One?

Well, ok, there are twenty, but the twentyfirst was once a pub and is still a jolly nice place for a quiet drink and a chat. Each of the twenty one is lovingly reproduced in colour and line in our Public House book. When you look through, you'll see we've also added a few interesting details about each inn and those that were once nearby, so you can enjoy the prints and at the same time arm yourself with some facts with which to wow the regulars down at the Whippet and Duck. Here's the full list of pubs featured in the exhibition and book:

The Kings Head
The Lewes Arms
The Swan
The Elephant & Castle
The Meridian
The Crown
The Black Horse
The Tally Ho
The Pelham Arms
The Royal Oak
The Lansdown
The Brewers Arms
The Volunteer
The White Hart
The John Harvey Tavern
The Rainbow
The Snowdrop
The Lamb
The Gardener's Arms
The Dorset

Public House - The Book

We've produced books of previous shows, High Street and Cliffe - see the 'Previous Books' entry below. Those were concertina books, 14 feet long, and each edition took around 1,300 hand creases. Every single crease had to be accurate to less than a millimetre, to prevent the whole book from adopting a very unattractive drunken skew. So this year our wrists cried "Enough!" We are having Public House handbound as a conventional book, by Rachel Ward-Sale at Bookbinders of Lewes.

The book is again a limited edition, this time of 54. As of this morning (Monday 20th) Rachel has completed sewing the inner page sets, and was about to start constructing and embossing the covers.

Public House features prints of each of the twenty pubs in Lewes, as well as some of the pub signs. Using the conventional book format has allowed us to feature many of the prints at actual or closer-to-actual size - the page size is a chunky 250 by 330mm. The book will be on sale at the exhibition, and advance orders are already being taken. If you're interested, email

Five Days To Go, Ducks In A Row (well, almost)

The exhibition opens this Saturday - Friday will be taken up with hanging, arranging and, in the evening, the Private View. Measuring up this morning, everyone at the Westgate Chapel is very welcoming, and the room has not shrunk since we last saw it.

The Printmakers have all signed up for invigilation - looking after the exhibition for a morning or an afternoon during its run. The organised folk have their prints and frames and cards arranged neatly in boxes by the front door, ready to be taken to the Hibbert Room on Friday morning. The rest of us are looking for frames, looking for tape, looking for paper, and trying to recollect life before the house took over from the occupants. Some are still working on prints, but let's not go there!

The book is also on schedule - more in another post.

If you have six minutes, and a general interest in marks on paper, take a look at this Short Letterpress Documentary

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Who's Taking Part?

These are the Paddock Printmakers taking part in
this year's Public House exhibition:

Caroline Chappel
Barbara Childs
Nina Cornwall
Clare Dales
Judith Donington
John Filmer
June Flanagan
Peter Flanagan
Sasha Howard
Judith Kazantzis
Mary Lowerson
Charlotte Matthews
Betty Miles
Philip Miles
Susan Skinner
Carolyn Trant
Brian White
Simon Wood