Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It's 2007 - We're Off To The Pub!

Public House is Paddock Printmakers' 2007 exhibition, part of Lewes's annual Artwave festival. It takes place from Saturday 25th August to Sunday 2nd September, and this year we have a new venue, directly on Lewes High Street: the Hibbert Room is part of the beautiful Westgate Chapel building, in the 'bottleneck', just two minutes west of the Castle.

The exhibition will feature original prints of Lewes's twenty town pubs, as well as other work by more than a dozen members of the Printmakers group. It will also mark the launch of the group's third book of prints, also titled 'Public House'. The book follows 2004's 'High Street' and 2005's 'High Street Too', both very successful, limited-edition publications.

More information on the artists and their work, opening times etc. will be posted here as it becomes available.

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